Afraid that such thing might happen again, I always try hard to keep myself healthy. Eating healthy food and doing sport are part of my daily life. But apparently I have done it too hard. Too much sports and lack of rest have brought me to sickness!

I was afraid of getting my Malaria back. But as I said before, nothing I can do until the third day. On Sunday morning, my fever has gone; but I wasn’t happy as Malaria only attacks in the evening.
Surprisingly, I had no fever on Sunday evening! My body temperature was normal the whole night. I thought I just gotten exhausted.
But on Monday morning, I felt my whole body aching! Since I didn’t have fever, I forced myself to go to work. I thought the ache came from my over training on sport. But my pale face couldn’t fool my coworkers. They recommended me to go to a doctor.
The doctor gave me antibiotic and anti-fever. He suggested me to take a blood test on Wednesday if my condition remains the same. The medicines were pretty strong; whenever I was under their influence, I felt OK. But once the influence finished, I became wilt again. During this time, I went to work for half day. After taken lunch I went home to rest.
On Wednesday, I decided to have a blood test. The result said that my thrombocytes level was low; one of signs of dengue fever. I went to a doctor again and she made another test which confirmed that it was dengue fever. She said that I can have a rest at home or in the hospital. My sickness level was still low, drinking a lot of water and consuming guava juice were enough to cure the sickness.
This was a dilemma for me. If I stayed at home, I had to serve myself. I had to prepare my own meal and cleaned the dishes, just like a normal day. It meant I wouldn’t have total rest as I needed it. However, the only hospital available in Berau was not covered on the insurance from my working place. I had to go to Balikpapan to get hospitalized. This was quite a journey but I would have total rest as I needed it.
After discussed it with my father and sister, I decided to go to Balikpapan. On Thursday, I was ready to go. However I needed a paper from the doctor that said that I was able to fly. Upon this, the doctor neglected the request. Instead, she asked me to take another blood test to check on my thrombocytes level.
So I did. And the result said that my thrombocytes level was increasing. The doctor told me that I’d better stay at home because I have passed my critical point; and I was entering recovery phase. I didn’t need to be hospitalized especially if it needed quite a journey to be there. So my travel was cancelled. I was just stayed at home until weekend.
Friends and Family
Starting from the first day I got fever, I informed my coworkers and family about it. Their reaction was very supportive. My family kept checking me by phone. While my coworkers, they made sure that my needs were fulfilled. They took me to doctors, laboratory, and brought lunch for me, etc.
I was so lucky surrounded with very attentive coworkers. It swept my nightmares away in being sick far from home. In addition, my family kept monitoring my condition. Even my brother from Saudi Arabia called me after hearing the news; he was worried that I had to be hospitalized. But the biggest surprise came from Lusi, ‘my family’ during my time in Bremen. She called me due to her feeling on me. She felt surprised to find that I was sick; which explained why she needed to call me suddenly. What a telepathy!
Although I could get enough attention and care when I was sick, but surely, I don’t want to get sick again. No matter close or far from home, being sick is always a nightmare!