Finally I got news that I have to start my working period by December 14th. In the first week, I had an orientation session about the office and the program in general. TNC has a country representative office in Jakarta and a marine program office in Bali; so I have to visit both.
With Jakarta office, it is not a problem as I am living in Jakarta. But going to Bali office, it is another story. Bali is the no.1 tourist destination in Indonesia, it means that the business trip will be mixed with holiday. In addition, I lived and worked in Bali before; so going there means visiting old friends also. For these reasons, many people couldn’t believe my luck.
On December 14th and 15th I had my orientation session at the Jakarta office. By the night of December 15th I had to fly to Bali. I won’t go back to Jakarta after Bali, instead, I had to continue flying to my field office in Berau. Knowing this, I asked my office to let me stay longer in Bali before start working in Berau on December 21st.
Bali stop
So there I was, staying in Bali for four nights. I met my old friends and enjoying a little bit of holiday. Since I will live in a small and remote city, I had to maximize my leisure time; by having a spa!
Finding a spa in Bali is like finding a dust, they all everywhere! It is a matter of one’s budget. As for me, I wanted to have an outdoor spa, like having a massage in a garden environment or having a floral bath with a waterfall sound. And for these, it needs big budget!
Outdoor spas are only available at fancy hotels and resorts; and I didn’t have that much budget right now. I have to start a new live in unknown place; I’d better prepare much money for it.

As a solution, I chose a mid-range spa. The spa is called ‘Jamu’ or herbal medicine in English. It has a nice garden environment. However, the massage place is in a closed room with AC. The good thing is, each customer is treated in a private room. The room has a closed space for massage and an open space for bathing. To get the outdoor feeling, I decided to open the door of the massage room.
The treatment took 1.5 hours starting with massage using candlenut oil. It follo

wed by body mask using papaya mixed with peppermint oil and the body is wrapped by banana leaves. It felt wonderful; it smells nice and refreshing. The treatment was finished with warm flower petals bath. Very rejuvenating!
I think I am ready for my new life;)
Balikpapan stop
On December 19th I flew from Bali to Balikpapan in East Borneo. Since there is no direct flight to Berau at that time, I had to stay overnight in Balikpapan.

My accommodation was arranged by the office so I just took it for granted. Apparently I was placed in a pretty fancy hotel. The hotel room has its own kitchen and living-room space! Wooow, this is very fancy. I think I should stay longer there too…!

Final stop: BerauOn December 20th I was ready to start my new life in Berau. However, the start was not easy. My flight was supposed to depart at 10.40 AM, but until 11.00 AM there was no boarding call. And the nightmare began...
The flight was delayed to 13.00 PM! I started feeling anxious because I had felt tired of traveling. This would be my last trip but I had to wait longer than expected. I hated it!
While waiting, I had chat with other passengers. Apparently the flight that we used is the unreliable one. It often delayed! :( The worst thing is, the flight is served by a national company. So if one books from another city, most likely one is offered to fly with this one. One passenger told me that she flew from Jakarta and has waited there since 08.00 AM; while other told me that he flew from Samarinda and has waited there since 05.00 AM!!! Oh well, what am I complaining for…?
There are two other flights operated by local companies. But these flights did not operate on weekends. Too bad! But for sure, I will use them for my next trip. I don’t believe this national company…
Finally, at 13.40 we were boarding to Berau. The trip took 40 minutes. I was picked up by my co-workers and directed to ‘my new home’.
Well, hallo Berau!